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Are you considering a call to the priesthood? We would love to hear from you and are only an email away!
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Susan Vaickauski
Program Coordinator
Priest in Training
Meet Julia and her grandmothers. A priest asked Julia’s great-great-great grandmother to launder the church’s altar linens. She felt unworthy of such an honor and turned him down. Julia’s great-great grandmother saved dimes from the family’s Depression era budget to donate to the building of a cathedral. Julia’s great grandmother was a “Sacristy Girl,” one of an elite group of eighth grade girls who were allowed to be in the sanctuary—to wash the floor and dust the furniture. Julia’s grandmother, Rev. Mary Keldermans, discerned a call to priesthood after a lifetime of ministry in the Church and is now a Roman Catholic Womanpriest. Thanks to Mary and to other womenpriests, Julia will never know a time in her life when there weren’t womenpriests. If she ever discerns she is being called to the priesthood, she will be able to walk a path blazed by the Womenpriests before her. History is being made right in front of us!