Elsie Hainz McGrath
Elsie Hainz McGrath pastors Therese of Divine Peace Inclusive Roman Catholic Community in Saint Louis, MO, where she presides at weekly liturgies, witnesses weddings and holy unions, leads funeral and memorial services, does other sacramental services as requested, and engages in interreligious activities with neighboring worshiping communities. Academically prepared with a theology degree from Saint Louis University and a M.Th. from the Aquinas Institute of Graduate Theology, as well as catechetical certification and continuing post- graduate studies, she is deeply committed to renewal and reformation within the hierarchy, and was the program coordinator for the Great Waters Region for its first seven years. She has also been a professional editor and writer in international Catholic publishing, a university campus minister, a parish director of RCIA, and a statewide leader in marriage preparation programming and mentoring. Elsie was married for 42 years to her husband, Jim, a permanent deacon for the Archdiocese of St. Louis. He died in 1998. She is the mother of 4, grandmother of 12, great-grandmother of 18 and one great-great-child.
Email: elsiemc@sbcglobal.net
Phone: (314) 477-6089
Website: www.thereseofdivinepeace.org