The Stories section of this site is made up of “posts.” Since most posts are brief and self-contained, you will usually create and edit them, then never come back to them. However, if you discover errors or need to add an update to a post, you can always return and edit a post again later.
There is really nothing unique about creating and editing posts on this site, you can use any WordPress book to get oriented to the task. Here are just a few of the basics.
To create a post, choose “Post” from the “New” menu on the toolbar at the top of the screen. You will only be able to see this item if you have logged in to the site and have the authority to edit posts.
Enter the title and content you would like for the post in the appropriate fields.
- We expect you’ll use the “Visual editor” mode most of the time as it can be a lot easier to deal with.
- Be sure to take advantage of blocks like the “List” block to create proper bulleted lists or “Heading” to create proper headlines.
- Remember to keep it simple. Posts are fed into many contexts that you don’t control, so aggressive formatting will backfire. Try to stick to only headlines, bold, italic, and bulleted lists. Anything else, like centering text or coloring, should be avoided.
- Choose a category for your post, or more than one. Categories are an essential part of the “flow” of posts around the site.
- Tags have no immediate impact on your posts or how they are shown on our site, but feel free to add tags if you wish.
- Feel free to backdate your post using the clicking on “Edit” link in the “Publish” box at the top of the right sidebar.
- Publish! Don’t forget to click the “Publish” or “Update” button to save your changes!