To edit a priest go to the “Priests” section of the WordPress Dashboard (if adding a new one, you can use the “New” menu in the top toolbar). You do not edit priests by editing pages on which they appear. Editing Priests share a lot of the same concepts as editing pages when it comes to bios. Mainly, keep it simple.
The image for the priest goes in as the Featured Image. These images are intended to be headshots of just the priest.
Underneath the text area for the bio is a Priest Details section. All these fields are pretty much self-explanatory and match things we ask for in the template on Airtable. Contact information for this priest will be used as the contact info for any liturgy in which they preside. The only complex field is Sort String, this is used to define the alphabetic sort order of priests. We’ve been using “Last Name, First Name”. This is the same form we use for the priest’s permalink.
The remaining important sections all share the same way of using them, so before we describe them as one we’ll list them independently and what they’re for:
- Liturgies by Priest: The liturgies in which this priest presides
- Ordinations for Priest: The ordinations for this given priest
- Ordinations by Bishop: If this priest is a bishop, the ordinations at which they have presided
Each of these sections lets you make a relationship from this priest to specific liturgies and ordinations. Use the “Add new” buttons to create a new liturgy or ordination to connect this priest to. Use the “Connect existing” buttons to connect this priest to an existing liturgy or ordination. When connecting a priest to an ordination of theirs, be sure to also designate which office to which they were being ordained.
When done, remember to “Publish” or “Update” the priest.